Monday, October 5, 2009

My Friends at the Malaviya Peace Centre

Time for me to introduce and say thanks to the terrific folks who are hosting me so graciously here at BHJ. I owe a great debt to the Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, a unit in the Faculty of Social Sciences, whose director, Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya and his lovely wife, Anju, have a talent for hospitality and knowing just what a visitor requires for comfort. I am looking forward to many pleasureable hours and conversations with them both.

Then there is Dr. Manoj Mishra, a Senior Lecturer in Political Science at the Center who did yeoman work supervising and organizing what it takes to turn a foreigner quickly into a working scholar when I first arrived. Manoj made sure the furniture got to my flat, organized my cell phone, satellite television, internet connection, stayed after the refrigerator guys when the one I got didn’t work, advised me in my first weeks about how to do everything I needed to do and zipped around Varanasi with me on the back of his motorbike to help accomplish all these things. His help has been absolutely essential, and I thank him with a grateful heart. His beautiful and smart wife Ani took me salwar kameez shopping and fed me excellent Indian food, and his mother told me about her family customs. Both she and Ani welcomed me to their house like I was family. And Anchal, 4, their bright little daughter, danced for me on her goddess day and did me the honor of showing me her special coloring book.

Likewise, my colleague Ed Brantmeier, a fellow Fulbrighter at MCPR, Assoc. Prof. of Peace Education at Colorado State, and his warm and friendly wife Noorie, also helped me navigate the early days, taking me shopping for essentials, sharing their cook and driver with me, and feeding me a couple of times when I had no food! They have given me the outsider’s insider perspective on the Varanasi experience. They have been so generous and helpful, and their kids, 3 l/2 year old Noah, who goes to school here and is whip smart, and unflappable sweet 18-month-old Ian, are a source of hilarity and delight.

At the Center Ajay has made every electronic thing operate, Pratima has assisted me with Hindi and taught me how to work my cellphone, Sankeeta has come and solved the various hookup and physical problems associated with starting a new household, and Papuji watches it all and makes sure it goes according to plan.

All of these people have unfailingly offered their time and attention and help to do things it would have been very difficult or impossible for me to do myself. I thank them all for their kindness to a stranger and the welcome they have all given me. I look forward to working with this wonderful crew during the next nine months.

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